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Are they up for the Job?

Selecting your bridal party can be a challenging task. Often times your best-man or maid-of-honor may seem like the easiest choice, because this person is typically one of two people, your best friend or a family member (usually a brother or sister). However, are they right for the job? You want to assure you choose wisely, for your peace of mind throughout the process of planning and on your big day.

First, you and your fiancee should go over a few basic questions before obligating yourself to those dying to be part of your wedding. Believe it or not there are those that just try to take on a role before being asked. So if this happens to you, don't be obligated to stick with it. Just politely explain that before any selections are made you and your fiancee have a few decisions to make before you can ask people to help.

Here are some questions to go over so you both have a stating point:

  • How many will be in your bridal party?

  • Etiquettely speaking there should be 1 usher for every 50 guest, but if you have a smaller wedding and want an even number of ushers to bridesmaids it's completely acceptable. Although typically the only rule for bridesmaids is no more then 12

  • How many flower girls/ring bearers?

  • Will you select a backup person for each side encase someone says they can't or has to drop from the bridal party unexpectedly? This does happen from time to time.

Some couples find selecting their bridal party a very daunting task. There are sometimes a number of obstacles to handle while considering whom they will ask to take on this honor. Such things as:

  • Will the person be able to give the role it's needed attention?

  • If your selection for your best-man has a very demanding job and he can't seem to leave the office after he has left for the day, is he going to be able to attend to his duties as a best-man.

  • Can they commit financially?

  • Sometimes a persons financial situation needs to be considered or a solution to the financial part of being part of your wedding may need to be determined prior to being asked.

  • Do they play well with others?

  • Some people are very head strong or don't computerize easily. If you have decided that all the girls in your wedding party are going to wear their hair in updo's so that you're the only one with their hair down and one of your bridesmaids hates it; will she go with the flow because it's your day or will she rip it out just before the ceremony starts because she don't care what anyone thinks.

  • How will they get along with the other party members is sometimes a question that is not considered in, some people are unable to put their egos aside and it bring problems within the group

  • Will they be able to meet your expectations?

  • Some want their bridal party to be able to help along the way. Are you looking for someone that can help with decorations, dealing with minor emergencies for you or stay until the end to clean up? If so make sure you ask someone that can commit to your expectations along the way.

Remember taking some time to consider your bridal party selection carefully will add to the joy and excitement throughout the planning process and on your big day. I don't recommend asking someone that you really don't want to be part of your party just because you feel obligated to. Just hoping they will say no because they can't afford it or have a busy schedule this usually doesn't stop someone that really wants to be involved. In the long run you will be happier if you only ask those you want to say yes! One more thing to remember, you can't always involve everyone; sometimes you have to just say no and remind yourself that this is your day!

How will you be choosing your bridal party? Leave us a commit and tell us how you have come up with your go to people for your bridal party.

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